A downloadable Shimaguni

Shimaguni "666AMES MADE QUICK???"

Interactive version on puzz.link with solution and error checking: https://puzz.link/p?shimaguni/19/7/48aa31icnvrpvpnf7fgp3404g0vvrmf52sf0kko8pjjv4.... Controls: left mouse click to mark a cell as part of an island; right mouse click to mark a cell as ocean (i.e., definitely not part of an island).

Shimaguni (Islands) rules: Shade exactly one island (a connected group of cells) in each outlined region. Shaded cells cannot touch across region borders. If two regions share a border, their islands must have different numbers of cells. If a region contains a number, its island must have exactly that many cells.

The colored shading in the image above is only intended to highlight the visual theme of the puzzle and has no effect on the rules of the puzzle.

(This is maybe a silly thing to make an itch project page for, but I made this for 666AMES MADE QUICK???, so I had to make one to submit it!)

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